E7018AC Electrodes
E7018AC Carbon Steel Stick Welding Electrodes
Typically used for low-alloy structurals, low, medium and high carbon steels, offshore rigs, power plants, steel structures and tack welds for tubular applications, E7018AC is a low-hydrogen iron powder type electrode that produces high quality x-ray welds.
E7018AC stick electrodes can be used in all positions on AC or DC reverse polarity welding current and is highly recommended for applications using small 208/230V single phase AC welders.
With good operator appeal and excellent striking characteristics, it has a stable arc and is a great choice for skip and tack welds with self-removing slag in most applications.
Sold in 1 lb tubes, 5 lb boxes and 50 lb cans, our E7018AC Carbon Steel Stick Welding Electrodes are available from one of the welding industry's top manufacturers - Blue Demon.
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