ER4043 MIG Wire
ER4043 Aluminum Alloy MIG Welding Wire
One of the oldest and most widely used aluminum welding and brazing alloys, ER4043 MIG Wire is typically used as welding filler wire and as a spray and flame metalizing wire. It also can be used to weld a variety of aluminum grades.
A popular choice for welders due to its bright weld finish, ER4043 contains silicon additives which provide improved fluidity (wetting action) of the weld pool while also producing a weld that is less sensitive to cracking.
Sold in 1 lb, 4 lb, 5 lb and 16 lb spools, our ER4043 Aluminum Alloy MIG Welding Wire is available from two of the welding industry's top manufacturers - Blue Demon and PowerWeld.
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